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Third stage: Cormons - Castelmonte

Home Ways Italian way Third stage

Cartina generale della terza tappa Cartina generale della terza tappa Cormons Ruttars Vencò Lonzano Scriò Mernicco Albana San Pietro Chiazzacco Castelmonte Variante per Abbazia di Rosazzo


Cormons to Castelmonte. Length: 26.5 km. Pass the village of Vencò and take the dirt roads crossing the gentle hills of Collio. Go past the villages of Lonzano, Scriò and Mernicco until you reach Albana. From Albana take trail No. 748.

Walk up a hill, through the green forests of San Pietro di Chiazzacco. It is a long ascent, but once you reach the top at 618 metres above sea level, you will find the Sanctuary of Castelmonte.

In Brazzano you can take a route different from the one above described. Walk on 8 km and you will have the chance to visit the medieval abbey “Abbazia di Rosazzo”.