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Stage 5: Masarolis - Montemaggiore

Home Ways Italian way Fifth stage

Cartina generale della quinta tappa Cartina generale della quinta tappa Masarolis Tàmoris Piano di Fraccadice Prossenicco Montemaggiore


Masarolis to Montemaggiore. Length: 24.5 km. This stage runs across the hills of eastern Friuli with variations in altitude.

Once in Robidišče (Italian: Robedischis), the border crossing point separating Italy from Slovenia, turn left and head for Prossenicco. Go past this village and then go downhill until you reach the Ponte Vittorio crossing point.

Cross over the Natisone river and walk on along a series of ups and downs until you reach Montemaggiore, a small village at 795 metres above sea level.